
Get Website Traffic By Using Squidoo Marketing

Have you joined Squidoo yet and are you using it to generate traffic to your site? If you answered no, then you need to get on board. Squidoo is a specialized social networking site and many thousands of successful Internet business owners use it on a regular basis to generate traffic. This article will show you how to incorporate Squidoo marketing into your overall business plan.The whole concept of Squidoo revolves around building what they call a lens. A Squidoo lens is simply a page in Squidoo and it is a lot like a real web page. You can have outgoing links on your Squidoo lens and this is one of the main reasons for building one. Google and other search engines love Squidoo and therefore give a high regard to links coming from a Squidoo lens. Therefore, if you build Nail Sticker several lenses and link them to your website, you will get flow through traffic from the lens to your site as well as increasing the page ranking of your site with the search engines.Squidoo lenses are very easy to construct. When you build your lens, there are a few basic concepts that we want to pay attention to. Below, we will go over the most important things that you need to be aware of.1. Make sure that you design a Squidoo lens that will be really attractive to those who view it. When you are constructing the lens, keep in mind that it is ultimately about promoting your business, product or service. As an example, If you have a website which sells dog collars, then make sure that the lens is compatible with this site. It is helpful to utilize pictures to make the lens more appealing on first site. Remember that if people don’t stay on your Squidoo lens for any length of time, then they will ultimately never get to your website.2. When you are building your Squidoo lens, make sure you hyperlink the main website keyword in the first and last paragraph of the content. I’ll assume that you are providing good content, so in this case, people will like what you have written and a lot of them will click the links that will send them to your website.3. If you Iphone 4s Stand have a blog which is stand alone and is used as your website, then incorporate an RSS feed whereby you can send visitors to this blog. If you have a blog which is separate from your website, then point your visitors to a webpage on the blog which, in turn, points to the website.4. With Squidoo marketing, you can place a sticky note or some other module to help direct traffic to your website.These are just a few ways that you can use Squidoo marketing to build extra traffic for your online business. If you are not using Squidoo yet, then make sure you get started on it soon. It is free to sign up and it will definitely help with your traffic if you use it properly.

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