
Shopping For The Perfect Winter Boot

Fall is upon us and winter is around the corner. Depending on where you live, temperatures may have already dropped and you may be in the market for a warm boot. If this is the case, then what does a girl look for in finding the perfect boot that is not only warm but feels good to wear and looks good?If you really want to keep your feet warm, the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) suggests a boot that is insulated and/or waterproof. In buying boots, you may look into purchasing a pair of support insoles as many boots don’t have good arch support. Boots without arch support can create knee, hip and back problems. The APMA also suggests finding a boot that is semi-rigid, not too flexible and one that has a small heel. Be sure air swimmers to try on the boot with heavy socks to make sure the size is correct. If you buy a boot like an Ugg, which aren’t always worn with socks, have your foot measured to Air Swimmers be sure of getting a perfect fit. Foot sizes can change, believe it or not. They change with weight loss or gain, grow as we get older and our feet can become swollen at the end of a day making our size appear larger.When buying boots, it is also suggested to buy those made of natural materials or real leather. Natural materials allow your feet to breathe. You can also waterproof or treat leather with a variety of chemicals. While synthetic boots are cheaper, your feet may sweat more and trap in odor. This is the case with the rubber boot.A popular winter boot is the Ugg. The Ugg boot originated in Australia. This boot is made of real sheepskin, comes in a variety of lengths and styles with either flat or wedge heels. While the Ugg-style boot seems rather new, the style dates back to the 1930s. Australian sheep shearers wore the boots to keep them warm. Pilots in Australia were also wearing them to keep their feet comfortable and at a constant temperature.In the 1960s, surfers were wearing the boots to keep their feet warm to and from the ocean. The boot was made and used all over Australia at this point.While the original Ugg was made of just three pieces of material; one for each the outside of the boot, one for the inside and the heel, Ugg boots have many different styles and even have rubber soles.The Ugg became a high fashion luxury item in the United States in 1998. As more celebrities discovered them, so did magazines. The Ugg is not only still popular due to its notoriety but also because rc flying fish of its comfort and warmth. The boot is easy to slip on as you leave the house and you can pull them on over any type of pants you are wearing. The sheepskin has breath ability and keeps your feet at a warm temperature, despite the outside conditions. Most Uggs are worn without socks so that your feet can breathe.If you haven’t purchased your winter boot yet, you might want to take a look at the Ugg. While the boot won’t be your cheapest selection, it will be your wisest investment - not only for reasons of comfort but also due to the fact that the boot lasts so long.

